Ralph, 1989-2010 |
June 26th, 2010 was a very sad and difficult day for me. As I write these words I find my throat tightening and tears running down my face. Ralph came into my life 21 years ago and I will remember him forever. Our journey together began in Freeman, SD on the dusty gravel parking lot of Ralph's Feed Store. The feed store was 20 miles away from our little 4 1/2 acre homestead and I needed duck feed. Who knew as I drove my farm truck down the country road that soon a small gray and white kitten was going to become the newest member of our family. I pulled into the lot and as I went in to do business, I heard a loud meow and a bundle of fur ran across the lot and clawed his way up my shoulder. As I carefully pried his little needle-like claws out of my tender flesh, Ralph, the owner, came out and asked what I needed. He brought out the 50 lb sack of feed, tossed it into the back of the pickup and said I could have the kitten as it was a stray. Now, I dearly wanted to say "yes" but I knew my husband did not care for cats so I reluctantly said "no", placed him back on the ground and drove away. I made it about halfway home before I told my children I couldn't leave the pretty kitty and turned around. I drove back into the lot and got out but did not see the kitten. As I resigned myself to just going home, again I heard a loud meow and suddenly he was back on my shoulder. Ralph came out again and assured me I could have him so off we went to begin our life together. The kitten turned out to be male and since he adopted me at Ralph's Feed Store, I named him Ralph. My husband, at this point of the story, swears up and down that after we left, the owner placed another kitten on the lot outside!
Ralph had chosen me and he was my cat. All his love went to me and it was only in his later years that he did more than tolerate my husband and sons. I will always remember how Ralph loved to let me hold him in my arms and purring loudly he let me rock him like a baby. Ralph's health began failing 2 years ago. He was very arthritic and walked stiff legged like a little old man with a walker, developed cataracts, and kidney disease but he still wanted to be held and rocked. I rocked him for the last time just before our vet came in and then gently stroked him while she injected the euthanasia solution. He went so quickly and peacefully that I wasn't ready.
Tomorrow it will be a month and I still miss him and know that I will always miss him. Rest in peace faithful friend; you will never know how very happy I am that you chose me.
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