My husband travels quite frequently for business and most recently it has been to Seattle. The first trip he brought me a present. Visions of yarn were dancing in my head when he handed me the brown bag. It was not to be, inside the bag was a package of Smoked Salmon Chowder and a chocolate bar. I ate the chocolate, gave away the soup, and tried to remind myself that it was the thought that counts. The second trip, I made sure to let him know that FIBER in the form of yarn was always a wonderful present. He had time on his hands so he visited Pike Street Marketplace. Pike Street is a wonderful place, full of crafts, flowers, flying fish, but no yarn or at least none that he could find. Oh well, he tried I said to console myself. He redeemed himself later that week when he called and said he was on his way to All Points Yarn in Des Moines, WA. He had discovered the ad for the yarn shop in the coffee shop paper and noticed that it was conveniently located near his favorite restaurant, Anthony's. Visiting a yarn store was a sacrifice he was willing to make as he could reward himself with fresh Copper River salmon and the knowledge he was earning brownie points in the considerate husband category. When he got to the store, he put me on speaker phone so I could talk to the owner about the yarn I was looking for. Unfortunately, they didn't carry it but I talked yarn with Morgan (the owner) and finally told him to show my husband sock yarns and help him pick out some yarn. They picked out a lovely Schoeller & Stahl Fortissima Colori Socka which has joined my stash where it patiently awaits the day I learn how to knit socks.
We went to Norman over the 4th to visit our son again. I had heard about knitting podcasts and thought they might be fun to listen to on the way up. My loving patient husband burned a CD with 2 hours of knitting podcasts of "Stash and Burn". He is a stamp collector so he also burned 2 hours of "Stamp Talk" and we alternated between them. Somehow, I don't thing either one of these would be the listening choice for our sons if they were in the car but it worked for us. When we arrived, this time I wisely fed the hungry males, dropped them off at the bookstore and went to L & B Yarn Company on my own. The last time I visited the store their electricity was off and I shopped by flashlight. This time, I was able to view the beautiful yarns, stroke the soft mohairs, and admire the silks, bamboos, and wool to my heart's delight. I added 10 skeins of Classic Elite Bam Boo in the vibrant shade of bougainvilla and 3 skeins of Wildfoote luxury sock yarn to my stash.
So much yarn available, so many places still to visit to buy yarn! I hear the siren's call and know that soon I will need another tub, but that's alright as I know of a store that sells tubs that's on the way to the yarn store....yes, I'm a yarn junkie and proud of it!
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