I think I'm constantly bemoaning the fact that there is never enough time for knitting. I work full-time so there goes my daytime knitting (except for the lunch hour and who needs to eat anyway) and in the evenings I'm usually writing papers for my classes. By the time I finish my homework I usually only manage to squeeze in a couple of rounds before toddling off to bed and repeating it all again the next day. I thought I wasn't accomplishing anything until I found the knitmeter.com. This handy widget lets you add the yardage from your projects and gives you a running total. Surprise, surprise! First, I had to enter the projects that I completed for the year and I was pleased to learn that I had actually completed 12 projects so far this year! After totting up the yardage for my 12 projects I found that I had knitted 7,246 yards this year. This may not seem like much to the turbo knitters I see on Ravelry but it blew my handknitted socks off! Here I was thinking I didn't have time to knit and I find that all those stolen moments added up to a lot of time. I considered this for a few awed moments and then I wondered how many yards were in a mile. A quick google inquiry later and I discovered that I had knitted over 4 miles. Wow! Now, that would be a large ball of yarn! Another google inquiry told me that the circumference of the Earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles which I converted to 43,826,728 yards. Hmmm, that leaves 43,819,482 yards to go. I better get knitting!!!